Chapter leadership
The Northeastern Oklahoma Chapter of ASHRAE is blessed to have some of the best volunteers in the industry who selflessly serve on the board. Without their tireless commitment, progress in our region would surly languish.
President - Matt Simmons
President Elect - Austin Barton
Treasurer - Eric Mulliniks
Secretary - Sara Fazel
BOG - Susan Crenshaw
BOG - LeAnna Reynolds
BOG - Ray Gomez
BOG - Mike Kirk
BOG - Steve Johnson
CRC Delegate - Matt Simmons
CRC Alternate - Austin Barton
Attendance/Reception – Richard Shoemaker III
Audit –
CTT/Programs – Michael Floyd
GGAC – Chad Smith
Historian – Gene L. Redford & Steve Johnson
Honors & Awards - Mike Beda
Membership – Colin Bjostad & Sara Fazel
Newsletter – Austin Barton
Nominating – Chad Smith
Publicity / Social Media - Sara Fazel & Bryce Beall
Refrigeration - TBD
Research Promotion – Chad Marazas
Special Events Co-Chair - Nolan Chance
Special Events Co-Chair/Skeet Shoot - Ryan Dunkerson
Student Activities – Sam Arian & Levi Conley
Sustainability - TBD
Webmaster/ECC - Sara Fazel & Bryce Beall
YEA - Zachary Seizinger
Last updated:11/28/23